The occurrences of some tumors are related to acquired gene mutations, while the others are to human congenital gene mutations. Many hereditary tumors have familial clustering, and the destructive genes mutations correlated with hereditary tumor have 50% probability of being inherited in one's offspring.
The risk of hereditary tumor will be sharply elevated in the hereditary gene mutation carriers; for instance, the risk of developing breast cancer in the BRCA1/2 gene mutation female carriers reaches as high as 56-87%, and the risk of hereditary colon and rectal cancer in APC gene mutation carriers reaches as high as 90%, and the risk of hereditary gastric cancer in the CDH1 gene mutation carriers reaches as high as 80%. And commonly, the hereditary tumor is likely to occur early, for instance, the acquired sporadic tumor does not occur until the age of 60-70 years, while many hereditary tumors occur at the age of 40-50 years.
The main reason why the cancer death rate ranks highly is that most patients are already at advanced-stage when confirmed. The survival time of the patient will be more prolonged if the tumor is discovered at an early or extremely early stage. the five-year patient survival rate may reach 90% or even higher if certain cancers get treated at early stage. The gene mutations carried by the patients with hereditary tumor can be detected very early, because these mutations are congenital gene mutations existing in the patient bodies all along.
Performed just one time in life, the hereditary tumor gene detection can acquired the information of whether the subject carries the gene mutation correlated with hereditary tumor.Only early detection, early discovering, early prevention and early treatmentcan reduce your risk to the lowest level.